Strengthening the role of deposit insurers in protecting financial consumers
Financial consumer protection is one of the important tools to increase people's access to finance, and at the same time to ensure the legitimate interests of financial consumers as well as...
22 continuous years of keeping “fire of trust”
22 years ago (November 9, 1999-November 9, 2021), Prime Minister Phan Van Khai signed Decision No 218/1999/QD-TTG on the establishment of the Deposit Insurance of Vietnam. This is a milestone which has marked a significant step for the Government...
Strengthening the role of deposit insurers in protecting financial consumers
Financial consumer protection is one of the important tools to increase people's access to finance, and at the same time to ensure the legitimate interests of financial consumers as well as ensure fair transactions and competition, transparent...
Increasing the coverage limit: the impetus for the development of the banking system and depositor protection
On October 20, 2021, the Prime Minister promulgated Decision No.32/QD-TTg on deposit insurance coverage limit, adjusting it from VND 75 million to VND 125 million for each individual’s deposit at a credit institution embedded in deposit insurance...
Raising deposit insurance coverage limit – enhancing depositor protection
The current deposit insurance (DI) policy enforcement agency in Vietnam is the Deposit Insurance of Vietnam (DIV) – established in 1999, with the Decree was the highest legal document regulating DI activities. In 2012, the issuance of the Law on DI...
Changes in the role of deposit insurers in resolution of failed credit institutions and resolution tools after 2008 financial crisis
Deposit insurers (DIs) have often been established following financial and banking crises and experienced big changes in recent time. Presently, there are roughly 140 DIs over the world and most of them were founded in the 1960s, while many of them...
Benefits of raising deposit insurance coverage limit
Many agreed that raising the coverage limit to VND 125 million
Banking industry with effective credit solutions among Covid-19 pandemic
Under the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, over the past time, following the directions of the National Assembly, the Government and the Prime Minister, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) and the whole system of credit institutions have...