Building effective risk supervision system
Risk supervision for professional institutions is one of important functions of the Deposit Insurance of Vietnam (DIV) in the course of the implementation of specific tasks under Point 10, Article 13 of the Law on Deposit Insurance and Point 10 of...
Common efforts urged in effectively preventing sudden deposit withdrawal
Banking business is of major role in economic development. Banking operation has quite a few exposures to risks that may threaten the safety of the system if incidents occur, especially sudden withdrawal of deposits. Preventing it, thus, is always...
Credit Institutions’ Rights to Deposit Insurance Participation
The Law on Deposit Insurance (DI) which was approved by the National Assembly on June 18, 2012, entered force on January 1, 2013 created a strong legal ground for deposit insurance operation. Depositors at credit institutions are announced when...
DIV participates in APRC Annual Conference XIII in Taipei
From April 20 to April 22, 2015, Mr. Nguyen Quang Huy - The General Director of the Deposit Insurance of Vietnam (DIV) led a working group to Taipei - Taiwan for the 13rd Annual Conference of the Asia-Pacific Regional Committee, the International...
The first microfinance Institution granted Certificates of DI
In early May 2015, the General Director of Deposit Insurance of Vietnam (DIV) signed Decision No. 262/QD-BHTG111 on granting new and supplementary certificates of deposit insurance to the M7 limited liability microfinance institutions (abbreviated...
Increasing confidence of depositors
After 15 years of establishment and development, the DIV has gradually implemented all of its operations, protected about 30 million depositor accounts and reimbursed promptly for depositors at 39 people’s credit funds with total amount of nearly 27 billion VND.
Restructuring the PCF system and the role of the DIV
One of the highlights in restructuring the people’s credit institution is that the State Bank of Vietnam issued Circular No.04/2015/TT-NHNN, effective from June 1st, 2015 on PCFs, with a lot of turning-points in new provisions including tighter regulations on operation of credit institutions.
Seminar on “Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems - International experiences and application in Vietnam”
On November 10, 2015, in Hanoi, the Deposit Insurance of Vietnam (DIV) held a seminar on “Core Principles for Effective Deposit Insurance Systems - International experiences and application in Vietnam”. Participants at this seminar were Mr. Nguyen...